Marketing says ‘buy me’
Branding says ‘know me’
How does one help the other?
Marketing says that you offer a product or service. Marketing generates sales. All of your competitors are marketing their product or service to compete with your product or service.
BRANDING suggests that you are a good company to do business with. It represents your values as a company and the value you bring to support the product. It represents the value you place on PEOPLE. Branding generates Trust and Recognition, which generates even more sales.
Your brand should be recognizable, familiar and trustworthy.
Let’s consider how you make buying decisions. When presented with two options of, let’s say, electronics.
You narrow your choices down to two products offering similar traits.
One is a familiar BRAND and well known to you. You TRUST that brand to stand behind their product. You TRUST that the Company will be there if something goes wrong with the product.
The second is a ‘brand’ that you never heard of. You question the quality of the product. You question whether you will receive the support you need if something goes wrong. You wonder if the company will support the product and still be around when you need them.
How do you FEEL Now? What do you Experience as you contemplate both scenarios?
You want what most people want. CONFIDENCE & TRUST. You want to have confidence in your decision and trust that you have made the right choice.
BRAND makes a difference, doesn’t it?
When you market your product or service, you should promote your company BRAND. You want to generate a certain level of familiarity with your business and a recognizable message of trust.
So how does Branding relate to your company?